Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Special Reasons For picking my major

I am going to write my research paper on special education because that is my major and it interests me. I decided I wanted to become a special education teacher when I was in sixth grade for two reasons: my mom is a special education teacher and I have seizures so I can in a way relate to people with special needs. I knew since I was a little girl that I wanted to be a teacher because I like to teach people new things, I just never knew what type of teacher I wanted to be. I didn’t actually decide that I wanted to teach children with special needs until I started having seizures in the sixth grade. I decided that I would teach special education when I realized that children with special needs were treated differently by teachers and students and that they also needed someone that would be a good advocate for them. To teach students with special education takes a lot of work because you need to be caring, understanding, tough, and helpful. When you help a special needs student you can tell when you have made an impact on there lives because there faces light up. I think students with special needs appreciate things more than people without a disability but yet they get a worse education because they need more equipment and need to be taught slower in order to understand things. This is why I have chosen to teach special education and write a research paper on this topic as well.


lscoula said...

I think that this is a perfect topic for you. You will be able to help students a lot since you can relate to them in ways other people can not. Its great that you are interested in helping people with disabilities because many people are not brave enough or strong enough to do so. I think you will go far in this field of work!

Sarah said...

I think this sounds like a very interesting topic, especially because it is something that you've dealt with yourself. I will be very interested to see how your paper turns out. I think it would be extremely difficult to be a special education teacher, and I admire you. I hope the paper goes well!

Unknown said...

Both of these blog entries are excellent. Press your comment partners for more meaningful feedback.

Perhaps concluding your entries with a discussion question would be a way to elicit helpful commentary.