Thursday, March 8, 2007

Scholarly Journal

While I was doing research for my paper I found a scholarly article about teachers had to say about inclusion. It gives some pros and cons. People who support inclusion say that there are many benefits. If the child’s disability is mild the education impact for them in a regular classroom is substantially greater than being placed in a special education room. Inclusion classrooms give students a diverse learning environment. By having a diverse learning environment it helps prepare the students for a diverse community. By being with their peers it also helps them to realize that not everyone has a disability. Even though the pros help the students in the future, the negative aspects of now discourage a lot of people from supporting inclusion. The general education teachers are not trained to work with children with special needs. The teacher can not provide enough attention to every student. The students get less education because the teacher has to teach slower to make sure every student understands. The teachers have to deal with more students acting out because the typically developing students are board and the child with special needs is also board because they may not understand what is going on.
It also talks about some of the challenges that educators may face. It gives the results of the survey that the teachers took and then it discusses what they found. At the end of the article it informs you of what the limitations were. That way you know exactly how they received the results that they did.

Expository Paper

The research paper that I am writing is going to be an expository paper. I am writing about the history of Special Education. I am basically doing a timeline from the beginning of special education till now. Throughout the paper I am going to discuss how and why things are the way they are. I will not be trying to persuade the reader into anything so that is why my paper will be an expository paper. In this paper I will talk about inclusion and segregation so that the reader will have both sides of the information. This way the reader can make their own decision on which way they like better. I will be informing people on things that they may not have known about before, but I will not be persuading people. I will be taking the facts and summarizing them. If there are two sides of any facts that I put in my paper I will try to put both sides because I do not want to lean toward one side or another. My goal for this paper is to give people a lot of information about special education so they will be informed about what special education is and then they can make there own conclusion on weather it is a good idea or not. The reason I want to inform people about special education is because everyone has to deal with it weather or not there child is in special ed or not.