Thursday, March 8, 2007

Expository Paper

The research paper that I am writing is going to be an expository paper. I am writing about the history of Special Education. I am basically doing a timeline from the beginning of special education till now. Throughout the paper I am going to discuss how and why things are the way they are. I will not be trying to persuade the reader into anything so that is why my paper will be an expository paper. In this paper I will talk about inclusion and segregation so that the reader will have both sides of the information. This way the reader can make their own decision on which way they like better. I will be informing people on things that they may not have known about before, but I will not be persuading people. I will be taking the facts and summarizing them. If there are two sides of any facts that I put in my paper I will try to put both sides because I do not want to lean toward one side or another. My goal for this paper is to give people a lot of information about special education so they will be informed about what special education is and then they can make there own conclusion on weather it is a good idea or not. The reason I want to inform people about special education is because everyone has to deal with it weather or not there child is in special ed or not.


Sarah said...

I think this is good if your paper is truly going to be about the history of special education, but it seems like some of your sources hold many different opinions. It might be difficult to keep your own opinions out of the paper if it is just going to be the facts.

Shelly said...

I think you sound like you are handling your paper in a great way. I don't particularly like persuasive papers as much because I like to make my own decision on things. So, I am happy to hear you will just be informing people about each side.