Monday, February 5, 2007

The Development of Special Education

For my second source I found an e-book in the electronic reference collection and the book is a reference handbook on special education. In the part of the book that I am using as my source it talks about how before the 1800s people were treated poorly do to the lack of knowledge of how to deal with people with special needs. There were many horrible ways children with a disability were treated and there were not may people who knew or were willing to work with someone with a disability. Some of the people who did work with disabled children were Ponce de Leon, Juan Pablo Bonet, Jacob Rodriguez Pereire, and John Locke. These are just a few people who worked with the disabled before the 1800s, there are many more.
Between 1800 to 1900 the first institutions were developed in the United States and Europe. While they were forming them they had two goals that were hard to achieve: (1) provide human treatment; and (2) remove the disabled from society. Different schools where built for people with special needs. Some of them are schools for the blind and deaf, mental institutions, and schools for the handicapped.
In this article it also talks about famous people who had a disability of some kind but yet were still able to achieve big things in life. Some of these people are Buehler and Dugas, Hans Christian Andersen, Woodrow Wilson, and Nelson A. Rockefeller. These are just some major figures in developing special education.
Image of Ponce de Leon taken from Boricua Kids.

1 comment:

lscoula said...

I think it's really sad how people can be treated, just because they are different. And unfortunately, even though many years ago institutions were created to help people understand children with disabilities, today other kids can still be pretty cruel. People become so afraid of what is different, its weird.