Saturday, February 24, 2007

Major Figures that also had a disability

Nationwide compulsory school attendance in the early 1900s, flooded schools with thousands of new students, and policymakers had to find ways to deal with children who did not fit the mold. A lot of the students stayed in school until they could withdraw. There were many jobs available to someone who dropped out of school so there were not many consequences.

After the 1960s, there was a flood of people developing or inventing things concerning special education. There has also been a lot more people coming out and showing off their disability and being proud of it. There have been many famous people who have achieved a lot even though they had a disability. Some of the people are Thomas Edison, was unable to learn in schools; Woodrow Wilson, suffered from dyslexia; George S. Patton, had a server learning disability; F. Scott Fitzgerald, had a hard time learning in school also; and Nelson A. Rockefeller, he had dyslexia too.

These people are just a few of the people that have help special education get to where it is today. There are many more people that have an influence on helping special education get to where it is today. Parents of the disabled for example are major figures in helping to get special education to where it is today in the 21st century.

1 comment:

lscoula said...

I think it is very intersting that all of those very famous and important people suffered from learning disabilities. It just goes to show that we, as a society, can not stereotype people who are different, and assume that they have nothing to offer us. Suffering from a learning disability in no means makes someone unable to learn and strive academically. They just need extra help or differnt types of instruction.