Saturday, February 17, 2007

Helpful Tips

In Thursdays class we looked over each others papers and made some suggestions on how to make it better. I think the peer review was very helpful. It was nice having some different opinions on how to write an introduction or a conclusion. It was good to see that people have different writing habits so I was able to tell them what I had trouble with and I got a lot of information back. I was glad that we didn’t have the same problems because if we would of I think it would have been very boring to correct four papers and looking for the same mistakes. Since we all wrote on a different topic reading the papers were interesting because some of the information I did not know about.

Overall, letting someone else read my paper and give there feedback on what they think I should change or where I should put a coma is very helpful. I also like helping other people see things that they may not see when they are writing their paper. For example when they are writing there paper they may not realize that the wording of a sentence sounds funny unless they re-read it and even then they may not catch it. So I think it was very helpful to get a fresh pair of eyes looking at my paper and getting suggestions on how to word some sentences or where to put a coma.

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