Saturday, February 3, 2007

Major Figures

Some of the major people in special education are the children’s parents, teachers and family members. If you do not have the cooperation of the parents then any work that is done to help the child with the disability doesn’t work because they help the child in school and then the information is reversed at home. So a lot of work is done between the teacher and the parents to set goals. The Family members help by being supportive if the child is having difficulty they can give them advise.
There are many medical professionals that are involved in helping a educate a child with special needs. Some of them are doctors, guidance counselors, therapists and nurses. The doctors are involved to oversee the medical condition that the child may have and the guidance counselors are there to help make the child feel as normal as possible while in school. They are also someone to talk to if the child needs someone to talk to about a problem or if they just need someone to listen. The therapists are there to evaluate how well there speech is and there physical abilities. If they find out that they need therapy then the therapy is provided at school for them in order to help their education better. By getting therapy at school it helps give children therapy that they may not get other wise. So these are some of the major figures in the field of special education. There are many other figures these are just the major ones that are in the child’s life everyday.


lscoula said...

I totally agree with you. Everyone that has influence on the child needs to work together for a common goal. The child could become easily confused if they are taught one thing at home and a completely different thing at school. Same goes for doctors and therapists. Everyone needs to know the goals for the particualr child and how everyone plans on achieving that goal together.

Sarah said...

I definitely think that the parents are the most important figures when it comes to children who have disabilities. They have to be willing and able to do what is right for their child. I think you have some good ideas here and that will be a good topic to include in your paper.