Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Progress on the research

I am writing my research paper on the History of Special Education and so far I have found two sources that are very good. They have dates of things that have happened and people who have made a difference in the lives of children with special needs. Some of the information that is in them over laps both sources but I think it is a good thing because those are some major points that I can use in my paper.
I have also found three other sources that I am going to go get from the library today. One of them has information on the way special education was in the 19th century and another has information on the 21st century. I think these sources may be helpful in seeing how much of a difference there has been in the education of children with special needs.
So far finding information on this topic has been very easy but problem I may end up with is that everything may repeat its self. I am not to worried about that though because I think there is enough stuff out there that I should be able to find enough for an eight page paper.
Overall, my research is coming along great. I am finding a lot of information and so far the information is not repeating to much. I am hoping I can find more sources other than from the internet and books. I am not really sure though if you can get this kind of information in a magazine or not but we will see.


aegri_somnia said...

The history of special education seems to be very interesting. Being an education major myself (although in intergrated social studies) I'd be happy to see how you present the topics history. Good luck on finding the sources. Im sure you'll do well.

lscoula said...

It sounds like you have a really good start on your sources. Finding books will help a lot too, since there is so much information online. Sometimes having too much information from one place can become confusing and unhelpful.