Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Two laws in the History of Special Education

My third source talks about the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA). It talks about how people with disabilities before this act did not get much of an education. IDEA helps thousands of people and their families. If this act was not created many students would still be learning in institutions, instead of in regular school. Which is helping not only the people with the disability but there peers also because it is allowing them to see that even though a child with a disability may need more help in certain areas they are still like there peers in other ways as well.

In 2004 President Bush reauthorized the act and made it so each state had to set goals for each person with a disability in school and they had to report there progress each year. The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001 made sure that the schools had to set high standards for the children. That way they were having to make an effort. Due to the No Child Left Behind Act and IDEA schools are putting students with disabilities first instead of forgetting about them.

With both acts they have increased the role of the parents in their child’s education. IDEA looks at the needs of the child with the disability and the NCLB looks at how the school deals with the children who have the disability. Both laws are to improve the education that a child with special needs receives.

Overall, this source looks at two of the laws that have impacted the way children with special needs are educated. Without these laws disabled children would probably be in the same situation that they were in during the 19th century.

The picture is from


Shelly said...

I'm not familiar with this topic. I am wondering if this group focuses on learning diabled people in their own schools or in public schools with other people, or if it's both. I think people should also focus on the people that can excel in education. They will be the ones to accomplish many great things.

lscoula said...

This source seems ery helpful. The act that you were discussing seems to be a very important issue for your topic. I think that it is good to intgerate students with and without disabilities so that they can learn from eachother. I also believe it helps to clear up certain stereotypes that have developed in the past about students with disabilites.