Saturday, April 7, 2007

Different Placements

When a parent finds out that his or her child has a disability they have many choices to choose from when deciding how there kid should be taught. Now there are many people who think that they should be with their peers no matter what, but there are some parents who like to have their children with peers that have a disability also. The four different placements are inclusion class, resource room, self-contained class, and out-of-district placement. An inclusion class, also known as mainstream placement, is where the special needs student is in a regular classroom with his peers. There is also a regular teacher, and a special education teacher will come in and out during the day to help all the kids, but mainly the special education student. In a resource room is where a student is placed that need a lot of help understanding a subject in order to keep up the grade. The resource teacher is usually a special education teacher and they usually help a small group at once. A self-contained class means that the child with special needs is removed from the general school population for all subjects and works with a special - education teacher in a small setting. Each student in this classroom may be working on different things at the same time due to their different levels of achievement. Finally, in an out-of-district placement is a school that addresses all types of disabilities. They students gets a very structured routine to follow each day. It all depends on how server and what the parent wants for there child on where the best place is for the student with special needs.

1 comment:

lscoula said...

I think that if i had a child with a disability I would want a mixture of things. When they first began their education i would want them to be kept seperate from other children so they could learn intensly how to deal with thei disability. As they grew more comfortable in their own skin i would then want them to be placed with children without disabilities so that my child could learn how to interact in the real world. I think that my child should always have the option to leave through out the day to join a small group with a special edication teacher if the normal classroom was becoming too distracting and taking away from his/her educational experience.