Sunday, April 8, 2007


Throughout the years special education has gone through a lot of changes. It has gone from segregation to inclusion. It all started back in the 1800s when people were afraid of others that were different. They would treat people with disabilities very badly. So they came up with the idea of making special schools for them so they would not have to worry about teaching children with special needs. They also just wanted to get them out of the society. If it were not for the advocators and the parents of the children with special needs, they would probably still be taught in different school. The advocators and the parents were able to get laws passed stating that their children have the right to an education that is in the least restricted environment as possible. Now since the no child left behind act of 2001 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) children with special needs have been able to receive special services that help them learn better and be educated with there peers. Because of these laws more children with special needs have been able to graduate and get jobs out in society. Which for people who have a disability it is their dream to be able to function in a non-disabled world. By having students with special needs learning with their peers it also allows there peers to see that some people are different. Overall, there has been many changes, but they have all improved the way the world treats people with disabilities.

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