Saturday, April 7, 2007

Pros and cons of Special Education Classrooms

Some of the pros about keeping children with special needs in a self-contained classroom is the child can get more attention from the teacher. If they need any special equipment to help them learn it would be available. They provide structure and routine for students who need them in order to concentrate. In a segregated classroom the students also have a teacher that is qualified in teaching students with a disability. There are not that many positive things about students with special needs being in a segregated classroom, but it all depends on what the parent is looking for in there child’s education.

There are a lot of negative reasons to put someone with a disability in a self-contained classroom. For starters they would not be with their peers, so when it would come time to live in the community on their own they may not know how to handle knowing that not everyone is like them. The same goes for their peers, when they go out into the community to work they may not know how to work with someone with special needs. Children that are not in a special education classroom may have difficulty getting the equipment they may need to learn because general education classrooms do not always have they tools they need. Also even though there is a special education teacher that comes into the regular classrooms to make sure that the special education students are doing ok they are with the regular education teacher and he/she usually has not been trained in how to teach to a student with disabilities. The student sometimes does not always get as good of an education as what they might get in a special education class because the regular education teacher can not slow down every time they need him/her to.

1 comment:

lscoula said...

Obviously keeping a child with a disability in a contained classroom has good points. They get more attention and help, with better resources to fit their needs. But what are they going to do once they get out into the real world. I feel like they need more interaction with people who are less like them. They know they are different and I think it would help them to undertand why and that it is okay if they were with people unlike them.