Saturday, April 7, 2007

During the 1800s

While I was looking for sources I found a book called History of Special Education in Ohio and in this book it talks about the development all the way to the compliance and provision of full service. This book does not have any new information on special education, but it does have information starting back to the 1800s and going only until 1985. It has information on the development of programs for the handicapped like the blind, deaf, crippled, and mentally retarded. After, it informs you about the state leadership and program refinement. It tells you about the first schools that were made for people with disabilities. In part three of this book it informs you of more expansion of programs for the disabled. I believe that this book can come in handy when I am writing my paper on the history of special education because I do not have a lot of information on what it was like in the 1800s. I just have a few things here and there. This book spends more time on the programs that were made for people with special needs so this way I can elaborate on them some and not the law as much. At the very end of this book it tells you about the legal foundations for special education. This may be nice to know in the future. Over all this book looks like it can help clarify anything that may have been confusing in any of my other sources.

1 comment:

lscoula said...

This source could come in handy since it has information about how all of this began. You can only really know about something if you know about its history. Changing things in the future usually means looking to the past.